About us

Sermons and Preaching

For thousands of years, Bible Sermons and Christian Teaching and Preaching have been proclaimed from the pulpits of churches throughout the world.

Preaching is a time-honored tradition of Christian faith that begun with Jesus and was continued with his Apostles and early church Fathers.

It continues today in Christian churches of all sizes.

Sermons, Lost to Time

Most of these Sermons have been lost to time. No one will ever hear the messages of Salvation spoken by men from thousands of years ago. And even the preaching spoken a hundred years ago will sadly never be heard again.

But in the middle of this century, recordings of these voices began to be preserved. On eight-tracks and cassette tapes, in small country churches all over the world, sit thousands of lessons. Scattered and obsolete. This preaching is at risk of never being heard again. Therefore, we are stepping in.

Lost No Longer

In short, our mission is to Preserve the Spoken Word. By reaching out into every church and every private library in the world, we are able to work with the holders of recorded sermons. Above all, this allows us to digitize, archive, tag and otherwise preserve these fading sermons.

Lost no longer, these messages are being combined with modern digitized sermons to create the largest searchable archive of Bible Sermons on the planet.

Now, Seekers are able to access and hear preaching in a way that has never before been possible. Searchable by Bible passage, keyword, topic and speaker, these “lost” sermons will be found –  never to be lost again.

So That All May Believe

With careful preservation, we are archiving the preaching of Christan Teachers who have given their lives to a deeper understanding of the Word of God.

With copious categorization, we are making this preaching searchable and streamable. Truth-Seekers are able to hear and better understand the Word.

So that all may Hear. So that many may Believe. And so that the spoken word may be preserved for Generations.

Core Values

Our mission is simple: Preserve The Spoken Word. We will achieve our mission by:

Collecting | Locating sermons wherever they are stored and bringing them in so that they can be digitized.

Archiving | Meticulously preserving and tagging all digitized content so that it is preserved for all generations.

Disbursing | Above all, share the spoken word with the World.

Our Vision is for all Sermons to be preserved for all people, and fully-searchable so that all people can find Truth.

Thorough | We will not stop until all sermons are found, and all content is archived

Truthful | We believe that truth is objective, absolute, and able to be found

Universal | The truth for all time, and for all people

Our Staff

Peter Murphy

Peter Murphy

Chase Clark

Chase Clark
