Praying Like The Psalmists Part 7: Be Rigorously Honest, Candid, and Open
Speaker: Edwin Crozier
April 3, 2011
Praying Like The Psalmists Part 7: Be Rigorously Honest, Candid, and Open – By Edwin Crozier
and candidand Open Edwin Crozier 04/03/11 - Sun PM Series: Praying Like the Psalmists Key Passage: Psalms PrayerCandidcandorexpressing our real feelings to God.honesthonest Summary: If we want to pray like the PsalmistshonestyopenPlay Praying Like The Psalmists Part 7: Be Rigorously Honestpraisepsalmswe must learn to be open
Edwin Crozier
Edwin Crozier is an evangelist of the gospel of Christ. He currently works with the Christians that meet on Livingston Ave in Lutz, FL.
Other Sermons In This Series
Praying Like The Psalmists (Lesson 19)
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Praying Like The Psalmists (Lesson 2)
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